Greetings, Brothers of the Mighty 2nd District
I thank you for your support in electing me as your 36th District Representative. I thank God for allowing me to serve you, and look forward to moving our district forward to greater heights.

Basileus Message

As I take the seat as your 36th. I stand before you with the guidance, support and inspiration of our former District Representatives, the foundation pillars of the Mighty 2nd District. I am forever thankful and grateful for their continued efforts to ensure the very best for the District. To my CORE (Brothers Kent (1st Vice), Brim (2nd Vice), "Pofo" (DKRS). Rideout (DKF), Long (COS)) I thank you for for supporting me and providing input to moving our district forward. I thank the brothers of the District Council, Committee Chairman, and my Corridor Reps. Your value is so important to our district and it's up to us to ensure we provide and produce the greatest product for our district.
The 2nd District was well represented at the 81st Grand Conclave. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and returned home saafely. Although we were not successful in electing our district endorsed candidate Kenneth Rodgers, (candidate for 1st Vice Grand Basileus), we celebrate and commend Bro. Rodgers for all his work and accomplishments while serving as our Grand
KRS. I would also like to congratulate our newly elected Grand Officers and look forward to working with the new administration. Over the next few months, you will see some of the initiatives I spoke of during my campaign come to fruition. One of which is the launching or our new Mighty 2nd District website. We are asking brothers to send us additional content to further enhance the website experience. I look forward to upgraded functions, including dues payments and new initiate MSP processing just to name a few. I am reminding District committee chairman and Corridor Representatives to submit photos to the District IT Chairman, Brother Hill. Chapters should also submit their Chapter's upcoming events and corresponding picture.
In closing my brothers, we have the Winter Council Meeting, Undergraduate Summit, and District Conference on the Horizon. Let's do the work we swore to do for Omega as unified district, and execute the best programs we can for the Mighty 2nd District. Remember we are "Stronger together"
J. Kendall "Biggy" Smalls
36th District Representative